Wind flowers

Wind flowers

Windflowers,my father told me not
to go near them,he said he feared
them always,and he told me that
they carried him away.

Windflowers,beautiful windflowers,
I couldn’t wait to touch them,
to smell them I held them closely,
and now I cannot break away ,their
sweet bouquet disppears,like the
vapor in the desert,so take a warning,

windflowers,Ancient windflowers,
their beauty captures every young
dreamer,who lingers near them,
but Ancient windflowers,I love you.

Windflowers,my father told me not
to go near them,he feared them
always,said they carried him away.

windflowers,I couldn’t wait to touch
them,to smell them,I held them closely,
now,I cannot break away,their sweet
bouquet disppears,like the vapor in
the desert,take a warning,son.

windflowers,their beauty captures
every young dreamer,who lingers near
them,Ancient windflowers,I love you.


这首歌曾经伴我走过最难过的岁月,所以我对这歌有别样的感情!那是在高三的时候,也是那样一个深夜,我从广播里听见 WIND FLOWERS。那个时候很迷惑,不知道自己应该考到什么地方才可以算做完美,我喜欢的城市是南京,我很希望可以进入那个古老的城市去感受江南的气息,但是我的梦想却在北京!再加上毕业在即,很快就要和朋友们分离,朋友们似乎都要在云大,我一时茫然不知所措,内心无比地挣扎!心情更是down到谷底!就在那个时候我听见这首歌,似乎找到一点安宁,第二天的时候同学找来一本随笔录,让想写的人在上面写点什么,就那么任性地把自己的感受写在上面了,还记得在那里面引用过这首歌的歌词,现在都不记得自己在上面究竟写了些什么了,当时写完的感觉好象松了一口气,什么都可以不想了,但这到今天这首歌我一直记得,每一次听它的时候还是那么的开心,仿佛心灵得到了净化!现在想来,没有什么可以做到完美,有得必有失,没有一个人或者一件事是可以完美的,所以以前的选择在我今天看来并没有什么特别的意义,有时候也会想,我要是没有来北京,会不会比现在好或者是不好,但是一切都是没有假设的,我会按照自己的路走下去!

